Field Trips at Smiling Hill Farm

We strive to make each and every visit to the Farm an educational and entertaining experience for all. Your group can enjoy the additional options of: wagon rides through the scenic fields and woods of our farm, delicious chocolate chip ice cream cookie sandwiches, or a 20 minute educational tour about our Dairy Cows.

Our Barnyard is home to a wide variety of domestic farm animals. The Smiling Hill Farm Barnyard is dedicated to protecting and promoting the important diversity of domesticated animals throughout the world. Smiling Hill Farm shelters many species of cattle, sheep, goats, fowl, pigs, and other domestic animals.

About Your Visit

In order to receive group rates, there must be at least 10 participants. (If there are not at least 10 participants, there will be an up-charge for your group to meet our $50 minimum.)* Groups with special needs will have different requirements.*

When scheduling, please estimate the number of participants and chaperones to the best of your ability. Based on your group size, your group may have to be split up for certain activities. Our wagon can accommodate 25 people (including children and adults). Our tours are geared for group sizes up to 20 people (including children and adults). When planning for a larger group, we will rotate your group amongst the tours, wagon ride, and barnyard as planned. Please call for details.

Please be mindful when scheduling to be as accurate as possible. Groups more than 15 minutes late may have to rearrange their schedule of options. We ask that your Arrival Time and Beginning Time differ due to the time it takes to unload/regroup upon arrival. The average unloading time for a group of 30 is 10-15 minutes.


Buses MUST park and unload on the lawn beside the ice cream barn in order to conserve parking space for other patrons. Buses will be asked to move if they are in regular


Our Barnyard is open rain or shine. Other activities may be changed to an alternate path or be unavailable in extreme cases. Please dress appropriately.

Lunch & Seating Areas

Our indoor seating area is reserved for those receiving catering for their group (excludes i.c. sandwiches). We do have numerous picnic tables available outside on our lawns. We ask that snacks and lunches be kept outside of the Barnyard for the animals’ safety. Please make sure all children’s belongings are labeled and easily identifiable.

Feed Tokens

All participants will receive one feeding token that can be used at one of the following feeding stations:

  • Ponies, Donkeys, & Mini Horses (2)
  • Sheep & Goats (3)
  • Birds (2)
  • Potbelly Pigs (2)
  • Llamas
  • Emus
  • Fallow Deer


When you are ready to make your reservation, we ask that you please give us at least one week’s notice of your desired date. Without a week’s notice, we may not be able to accommodate your group. A $25 deposit is required in advance for each group (your reservation will NOT be held more than 72 hours without a deposit AND reservation form). Without a week’s notice, full discounts may not be available on all options.

On the day of your visit, please have your group leader check in at the Gift Shop to pay the balance due. You will receive: maps, tokens, and your schedule of activities. Chaperones will be admitted free (limit of one free adult per four children). If there are not enough adults, adults will be charged the regular Barnyard admission fee ($6.50).

Please return the reservation form on the reverse side with your $25 deposit and make checks payable to Smiling Hill Farm. Once we confirm your reservation, we will send you further information.

Make a Reservation

Field Trips & Add-ons

Payment is due in full upon arrival. Due to rising credit card fees, payment must be in a consolidated form—check, credit card or cash. (If your group doesn't pay in one form, each individual paying will be charged regular admission prices.) Failure to pay on date of visit will be charged an extra 10%.

Please choose from the following options:

All packages must include option A (except option C)

Option A - Barnyard Admittance & Feed Token

Barnyard admittance & one token for feeding the animals.
$4.75/ person ($7.00 value)

Option B - Cookie Sandwiches

Enjoy a tasty chocolate chip ice cream cookie sandwich
$2.50/person ($2.75 value)

**Ice cream sandwiches are made in a facility with other ice creams and therefore can-not be guaranteed nut or gluten free**
Please select if you would like extra ice cream sandwiches for adults on your reservation form.

Option C - Wagon Ride

Enjoy a scenic wagon ride around our fields and woods.
$2.00/person ($3.50 value)

Option D - Dairy Barn Tour

20 minute private tour of our Dairy Barn with an educational talk about dairy cows. (Depending on the time of day your group arrives you may get to witness the cows being milked).
$1.00/person ($1.50 value)

Option E - Pick a Pumpkin Wagon Ride

October only.

Enjoy a Pick A Pumpkin Wagon Ride.
Each child will receive a pie sized pumpkin. 
$5.00/person ($6.50 value)

We would also be happy to cater lunch for your group; please ask for a menu!

Make a Reservation

Safety Tips & Farm Rules

Children MUST be chaperoned by adults AT ALL TIMES while at the farm. Children should not stick their hands in any enclosures. We have two petting areas in which the children can interact with the animals. Please see our safety tips.

  • Feeding tokens are given to each participant; you may either let each individual choose which animal to feed or do a group feeding session.
  • Adults will read signs before entering different areas: petting areas, maternity barn, hatching house etc.
  • Children should not be running in the barnyard, as there are lots of roots to trip on.
  • Cans, bottles, and trash have proper disposal bins in the barnyard; please do not litter.
  • Please do not feed any animals human food.
  • When feeding animals, please use the tubes provided (exception of petting areas).
  • The following animals are not recommended to feed by hand:
    • pigs
    • birds (chickens, geese, emus, etc.),
    • equines
  • Some animals may bite if fed by hand. Please observe the signs.
  • Please do not pick up any animals.
  • Please limit cell phone usage & conversation during dairy barn tour.

Mom & Baby Goats Petting Area

Moms REALLY like the grain. When it is held above their head, they will try to eat the grain and may jump on you in the process. Moms require the grain to make milk for the babies. While most people prefer to feed the babies, you are supplying the babies with milk by feeding the moms. If children/adults are uncomfortable, please have them feed animals outside of the pen.

Please keep this to familiarize your group before your visit.